Digital Ledership
Digital leadership has never been more important. The rise of the internet and social media has literally changed everything — from our relationships to how we run businesses. Organizations need top-tier talent running their digital operations so they can keep up with what’s happening in this rapidly changing world — or risk being left behind. Chances are, competitors are already embracing these new trends that will soon be intertwined in everyone’s life.
Six Characteristics of Digital Leadership
- Recognising that digital is not always about scale of flashy projects, it’s about transforming people and ways of working
- Developing digital skills across the organisation, not just within a separate department
- Instead of a digital strategy, integrating digital processes and technologies to serve and shape business and artistic strategies
- Providing leaders with a mandate and budget to test and embed digital technology and agile ways of working
- Starting all programmes and projects with use research and user needs, iterating what you do and how you do it in response to feedback
- Inspiring teams and boards about the benefits of digital transformation with tangible proof of concept, even if the successful experiments are small in scale.