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Cases Studied

Recent works

responsive design bb


  • Website Development
  • Social Media Presence
  • Advertising Campaign
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Our team designed and developed a responsive website that showcased Burger Boutique’s menu items with high-quality images and detailed descriptions. We incorporated the brand’s color palette and visual elements throughout the site to maintain a consistent look. The website…
software development r


  • App Development
  • UX/UI Design
  • Website Development
Show project:
Our team designed and developed a responsive website that showcased Burger Boutique’s menu items with high-quality images and detailed descriptions. We incorporated the brand’s color palette and visual elements throughout the site to maintain a consistent look. The website…
creative design description
complet project
happly mockup


  • Web & App Development
  • UX/UI Design
  • Social Media Strategy
Show project:
Our team designed and developed a responsive website that showcased Burger Boutique’s menu items with high-quality images and detailed descriptions. We incorporated the brand’s color palette and visual elements throughout the site to maintain a consistent look. The website…
digital marketing description


  • Website Development
  • UX/UI Design
  • Social Media Strategy
Show project:
Our team designed and developed a responsive website that showcased Burger Boutique’s menu items with high-quality images and detailed descriptions. We incorporated the brand’s color palette and visual elements throughout the site to maintain a consistent look. The website…
dedicated teams descprition
nec gmbh mockup
With more than 5+ years
of experience, our team has become a leader in digital design and innovations.

Grow brands through bold, strategic creative

5 years company
Collabs based
on trust only.

Who we've served

happly logo black

Digital project

What is digital project management? It is a simple management process online projects from concept to completion, within budget and by used a certain amount of resources. It includes planning, delegation,tracking, reviewing and measuring results – usually all done using software of project management. The purpose of each project is different, but the main objective is to grow the business and see worthwhile ROI from the project. Types of projects can range from events to digital content projects.

Digital projects come in all forms and sizes.
They may include:

  • Websites
  • Mobile apps
  • Videos
  • Games
  • Events
  • Content

Project management in marketing

  • E-commerce
  • Social media
  • Advertising
  • Search engine optimization


Front-end dedicated Teams Front-end web development, also known as client-side development is the practice of producing HTML, CSS and JavaScript for a website or Web Application so that a user can see and interact with them directly. The challenge associated with front end development is that the tools and techniques used to create the front end of a website change constantly and so the developer needs to constantly be aware of how the field is developing.
Back-end dedicated Teams Back-end development means working on server-side software, which focuses on everything you can’t see on a website. Back-end developers ensure the website performs correctly, focusing on databases, back-end logic, application programming interface (APIs), architecture, and servers. They use code that helps browsers communicate with databases, store, understand, and delete data.
Full stack dedicated Teams Full stack development refers to the end-to-end application software development, including the front end and back end. The front end consists of the user interface, and the back end takes care of the business logic and application workflows. Consider a retail website. Users can browse or purchase specific items, delete or add items in cart, change their profile, and do many other things. All these actions require a front-end user interface (UI), as well as some business logic, written in the back-end.
Application development Web application development is the creation of application programs that reside on remote servers and are delivered to the user’s device over the Internet. A web application (web app) does not need to be downloaded and is instead accessed through a network. An end user can access a web application through a web browser such as Google Chrome, Safari, or Mozilla Firefox. A majority of web applications can be written in JavaScript, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), and HTML5.
API Application API (Application Programming Interface software) is a set of instructions, standards or requirements that enables a software or app to employ features/services of another app, platform or device for better services. In short, it’s something that lets apps communicate with each other.
Mobile app development Mobile application development is the set of processes and procedures involved in writing software for small, wireless computing devices, such as smartphones and other hand-held devices. Like web application development, mobile application development has its roots in more traditional software development.
Desktop software development Desktop application development is a type of software programming that creates computer programs to be run on the desktop. The most common use case for these applications is business-oriented and provides certain functionality such as word processing, spreadsheets, or project management tools.
Software tools development A computer program that is used by the software developers for creating, editing, maintaining, supporting and debugging other applications, frameworks and programs – is termed as a Software Development Tool or a Software Programming Tool. Development tools can be of many forms like linkers, compilers, code editors, GUI designer, assemblers, debugger, performance analysis tools etc.
E-commerce platforms An ecommerce platform is the content management system (CMS) and commerce engine websites use to manage catalogued products, register purchases and manage a users relationship with an online retailer. It doesn't matter if your business is large or small, B2B or B2C, selling tangible goods or providing remote services.
Devops DevOps is a set of practices that combines software development and IT operations. It aims to shorten the systems development life cycle and provide continuous delivery with high software quality. DevOps is complementary with Agile software development; several DevOps aspects came from the Agile way of working.

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Digital Leadership

Digital leadership has never been more important. The growth of the Internet and the media
Social media has literally changed everything – from our relationships to the way we run
businesses. Organizations need top-level talent to lead their digital operations so they
can keep up with what’s happening in the this rapidly changing world – or risk being left
behind. Chances are that competitors are already embracing these new trends that will soon
be interwoven in everyone’s life.

Six Characteristics of Digital Leadership

  • Recognizing that digital is not always about the scale of flashy projects, it’s about transforming people and ways of working.

  • Developing digital capabilities across the organization, not just within onespecialdepartment.

  • Instead of a digital strategy, integrating processes and technologies digital to serve and shape business and artistic strategies.

  • Providing leaders with a mandate and budget to test and integrate digital technology and agile ways of working.

  • Starting all programs and projects with usage research and user needs, repeating what you do and how you do it in response of reactions.

  • Inspiring teams and boards about the benefits of digital transformation with evidence tangible aspects of the concept, even if successful experiments are at scale small.

Digital Trasnformation Strategy

A Digital Transformation Strategy is an action plan that describes how a business
should reposition itself strategically in the digital economy. As customer habits
change, it changes even how winning businesses operate. They innovate, change
operating models and business and use emerging technology.

Benefits of Digital Transformation:

  • Digital transformation: putting the customer at the center of everything: Thanks to WhatsApp, smartphone apps or phone payment alternatives, the experience of purchasing and production processes can become even smoother.

  • Real-time data and monitoring: The value of a specific supply chain, team,action or decision is no longer guided by intuition but by real-time data archivedand organized by employees, who will create more connected, of resourceful and goal-oriented.

  • Fulfilling customer expectations: Customer expectations at all stages are met more accessible. Due to online platforms, it is easier to access and persuade targets, developing specific actions or messages according to emotions theirs or step into the purchase funnel.

  • Focused Marketing Efforts: Optimizes and improves relationships between brands and consumers, helps make better decisions marketing based on targeted feedback and allows to have everyone under control the supply chain.

Stakeholder Management

Stakeholder management is the process of identifying, prioritizing and engagement of
stakeholders during the product development process. it’s an essential component of
product management because stakeholders – individuals or groups that can affect the
success and execution of or affect the product – after all, they play an important
role in the life of a product.
Product managers (PMs) must first identify exactly who they are their stakeholders to
successfully cultivate and nurture strong relationships with interested parties. CMs
must also fully understand the views the uniqueness and needs of their stakeholders.
Like any solid relationship, it takes commitment and ongoing strategic efforts.

What are the different types of stakeholders?

There are many different types of internal and external stakeholders external.
Examples include employees, customers, shareholders, suppliers,communities and governments.
Upstream stakeholders contribute or approve the activities necessary to design, build and
deliver one product on the market.

Regardless of type, stakeholders generally have these attributes in common:

  • Influence: Stakeholders have enough power and strategic importance to the business that their ideas and opinions can impact the ability to advance the product strategy, create a roadmap, and execute it.

  • Connection: Stakeholders are concerned about the product because they are impacted by product decisions—from investors concerned about financial performance, market share,and valuation to customers worried about how the product will continue to support their needs.

  • Power: Stakeholders have something product managers need (e.g., information, approval, budget, cooperation, etc.).

  • Irreplaceability: Each stakeholder or stakeholder role (e.g., CFO) brings a unique value to the project.

Changes Management

Change management is a systematic approach to dealing with transition or transforming the
goals, processes or technologies of an organization. The purpose of change management is
the implementation of strategies for the effect of change, control of change and helping
people adapt to change.

To be effective, the change management strategy must take into account how an adjustment
or replacement will affect processes, systems and employees within the organization.
There should be a process for planning and testing the change, change communication,
change planning and implementation, documentation change and evaluation of its effects.
Documentation is a critical component of change management not only to keep an audit trail
if a rollback is necessary, but also to ensure compliance with internal controls and
external, including regulatory compliance.

Types of organizational changes

Change management can be used to manage many types of
organizational changes. The three most common types are:

  1. Change development: Any organizational change that improves processes and previously established procedures.
  2. Transitional change: Change that takes an organization away from its current state in a new state to solve a problem, such as implementing a join and purchasing or automating a task or process.
  3. Transformational change: Change that fundamentally and fundamentally changes the culture and functioning of an organization. In transformational change, the bottom line may not be known. For example, a company may pursue products or markets completely different.

Management Coaching

Managing coaches is a practice that takes into account the needs of the people who make up
an organization. Management coaches focus on training, motivation and development workers
for the future and overall well-being of the organization. A coach management is someone
who creates a direction for employees to follow; a kind of guide to achieve their goals.
Management training has become increasingly important in organizational environments.

A management coach is someone who adds great value to organizations in terms of training
for workforce development and motivation. In this article, we will look what is a management
coach, mentor management, time coaching and how Sinnaps, project management application,
includes tools that can help trainers e management to achieve their goals.

The importance of training
management in organizations:

Training management:

Helps achieve business goals efficiently: Coaching management style
is one that sees the human capital of the workforce as an investment
opportunity. Investing time and effort in training and developing
employees, they will become more skilled and equipped to perform
their work and, in turn, to achieve work goals in a way more
efficient and effective.

Coaches Management

Help people develop: Management coaches help people gain experience
properly and learn the right skills to do their job effectively and
for it help develop them for their desired future. They essentially
help others to become more successful and this can serve as invaluable
motivation for employees.

Management training

Helps to get to the bottom of things: Management coaches tend to be
curious. They often make connections: Management coaches are often
deeply involved in employee development. They can spend a lot of time
with them and through discussion and listening manage to create
relationships and strong ties with them. This is good for employee
motivation and requires skill communication skills that training
management software or apps can help with project management like
Sinnaps. career development. Asking questions helps build relationships
and also serves as a support base for employees to turn to if they have

Setting up links

Management coaches are often deeply involved in employee development.
They can spend a lot of time with them and through discussion and
listening manage to create relationships and strong ties with them.
This is good for employee motivation and requires good communication
skills which training management software or project management
application can help with like Synapse.